Tax and Corporate Consulting

Tax & Counseling is a firm of chartered accountants with many years of experience in tax and corporate consulting for Italian and foreign clients.
All the professionals of the firm are registered with the Order of Accountants of Rome as well as in the register of Statutory Auditors at the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance


Nicola Pironti di Campagna

Silvia Caronti

Filiberto Di Giuseppe

Marco Mattioli


Our tax and corporate activity is aimed at Italian individuals and legal entities as well as foreign individuals and legal entities who intend to establish themselves and operate in Italy.
The Firm is certified by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in the United Arab Emirates as a qualified reference to provide consultancy by supporting Italian companies interested in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia markets.

Our services

Tax consulting

Corporate consulting

Balance sheets and accounting

Asset reorganizations and generational transition

Board of statutory auditors

Contractual consultancy
